1. Don’t overbeat the eggs as this introduces too much air into the batter, causing the brownies to be more cake-like and less dense.

2. If you live at a higher elevation or where the humidity is low, use extra large eggs or add an extra egg for moisture which will give your brownies better body and texture.

3. To prevent burning the bottoms of your brownies, place the pan on a preheated cookie sheet.

4. Don't bake 2 sheets of brownies at the same time, brownies must be baked in the middle of the oven to cook through and brown evenly.

5. Flour used is usually unbleached, all-purpose. Cake flour, which is lower in protein, results in a light, crumbly texture that's too delicate for brownies.

6. Store them in an airtight container on the counter for up to three days, or in the refrigerator for up to five days. Brownies can be frozen, but usually with some loss of texture.

7. To give your brownies great texture, bake them for only twenty minutes at 400 degrees F/220 degrees C and then cool them in a pan of ice water. According to food writer Alice Medrich the ice keeps the brownies from rising and creates a crisp crust on the outside, while leaving the brownies soft and creamy on the inside.

8. Sift all dry ingredients, such as flour and cocoa powder. Sifting "fluffs" the dry ingredients, allowing the wet ingredients to bind more quickly and evenly.

9. Brownies will be easier to cut if you place the pan in the freezer for several minutes. For a crumb-free cut, dip a sharp knife in hot water, wipe it dry, and move it across the pan in a sawing motion.

10. Pick the baking sheet up about halfway through the baking cycle and give them a gentle but firm rap against the oven rack: this causes the brownie to "fall", keeping it dense and with just the right texture.
11. Make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature. If your flour is too cool or your eggs are being used straight from the refrigerator or your water is too cold, or the chocolate too hot, you'll "shock" the ingredients and affect the brownie's density and texture.

12. To improve the texture of brownies, place the unbaked batter (in the prepared pan) in the refrigerator for several hours or even overnight.

13. Always use the best quality ingredients you can get: fresh butter, good chocolate, real vanilla, etc.

14. Always grease the pan thoroughly with margarine, softened butter or cooking spray, even if the recipe doesn't specify. After greasing the pan, some bakers line it with parchment paper, which is once again thoroughly greased.

15. Light-colored, shiny pans produce the best results as they conduct heat more evenly. If you must use glass or dark colored pans, reduce the oven temperature by a couple of degrees as they can cause the edges to overbake or burn.

I'm Chef 420 and I approve this message. 


These cookies are soooo gooood, and twice as stony if you use the butter and cannaflour. They are a little bit " heavyer " when using cannaflour.  By Chef 420 Ingredients: 2/3       cup marijuana butter (softned)  1 1/2    cups...
Hay Hay Fellow culinary cannabis cooking enthusiasts, Here It is My Basic Brownie recipe, I say basic but I make these more than any other- Just add some nuts, or chocolate pieces, peanut butter pieces, or whatever, I've added whole gummie bears it's Awsome  Enjoy! By Chef...
Everybody loves these Chocolate chip Butterscotch brownies! I suggest you try these with a cup of hot chocolate or chocolate milk. By CHEF 420  Original Recipe Yields 2 dozen Ingredients; 1        cup butterscotch chips 1/2  ...
I think these are the best Medicated brownies I have made. They are sooo chewy and Tasty too! The caramel helps mask the MMJ flavor, so you can make them very potent. INGREDIENTS: 14      ounces caramels 14      ounce can sweetened condensed milk 1  ...
made these very tasty double layer brownies thinking the double layer effect would look cool. in my first batch I rushed and didn't chill the bottom layer -so I recommend you try this and let me know how yours turn out. They will be tasty either way, you can taste the different layers, and I will...
I just made a batch of these and they are FANTASTIC! Triple medicated with infused Kahlua,Bhang-(made with whipping cream) and my own Cannaflour blend. The chocolate/kahlua blend subdues the marijuana and the flavour pops. Ingredients: 21/2   cups Cannaflour 1/2     teaspoon...

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